1. What makes a woman fearless?
This may sound unusual, but fatigue can make a woman fearless. When we get so tired of the same old pains, patterns and results that we just can't take any more of it, a certain fearlessness rises up. When we are moved to say "Enough is Enough" and mean it, we arrive at a place where we can finally fathom a big change. More importantly, we have access to the type of courage that can manifest and sustain that change (by all means necessary). I don't recommend reaching this point of exhaustion, but in the case that it happens, which is quite often for many women, all hope is not lost
2. What is a fear that you have faced or conquered and how did you do it?
I used to have a fear losing close bonds. When dear relationships change or come undone, it can feel like a death. It can rock your world, leave wounds and make everything that was once familiar seem strange. I can totally let people go once I am clear that they must, but the process of discernment can be a 'beast. Over time, I've learned that my cautions were turning into fears and that these fears were turning into blockages. I've had to take space to understand the message in the mess.
What I learned (and am still learning), is that just like with nature, everything has its season and each one is necessary for the bigger harvest. The way in which some of my relationships have come to a close have felt really harsh, but that's just because it was really mandatory. When people outgrow each other or it is time to part ways, nothing can stop this process. Likewise, when it was time for new people and blessings in my life, just as sure as winter made room for spring...I just had to make room. I can totally see that now, but when I need an encouraging reminder, these two mantras help:
"Every Demolition. Is a Kind of reConstruction." - Rumi (paraphrase)
"Man's Rejection. Is God's Protection." - Somebody's Grandmama ;)
I love and appreciate every old friend who has ever left my life. I love them for many reasons, but especially because with them, they took all the old stuff I no longer needed.
3. Describe "fear" in poetic form (You can do a haiku, sonnet, prose...where ever your mind takes you with this topic).
I heard 50 Cent say this to Oprah once and was instantly moved by it, so I'm going to borrow it:
"If you're gonna pray don't worry. If you're gonna worry, don't pray."
Every human being, no matter how fierce or strong, has a fear of something. This quote however, reminds me not to let any fear or worry stifle my Conversation with God.
4. What's three words that you would use to describe your own personal style? Why those three words?
VIBRANT: The color combinations that I am most drawn to wearing are quite electric. To me, they radiate an energy that can soothe, empower, revive and uplift.
VOCAL: My sister says that my wardrobe is very lyrical. Each outfit is a sort of poem or song - a soundtrack for my mood or for the moment. Very rarely does my style say absolutely nothing. Even if subtle, there is a statement, a riddle, or a lullaby happening in my closet waiting to be picked out and turned up.
VOLCANIC: At times, my style evokes a heat...a fierceness...a fire that stops traffic and turns heads. But quite often my flare is subtle. A flame chilling comfortably ... occasionally dormant waiting for the right moment...to erupt.
5. If you could choose between living the rest of your life just wearing plain clothes and no accessories or beautiful, bold accessories and clothing was optional which route would you choose? P.S. The Sincerely Fearless motto is "Accessories a must, clothing optional".
Let's just say, I'd ride the fence on this one. Sometimes less is more, and plain is actually quite stunning. There really is no set formula. But my personality is such that I'd take all the plain clothes I own and rock them like they were the most bold and beautiful pieces in the world. I love it when stuff like an ugly print shirt can be draped like an abstract scarf or necklace, when a boring skirt can be be made into a cute dress, when rustic shower hooks become a fabulous pair of earrings, or when $10 curtains can be worn like a $1000 ball gown. When it comes to creating something magical from something mundane, sometimes I'm MacGyver! I will cut, paint, pin, stitch, or tie the heck out of something until it becomes the thing I want....and if it can't, It's just time to let it go.
P.S. I love your motto by the way...it inspired these pics I took wearing a ring and bracelet from your site.
Thank You!
Queen Godis
Facebook: facebook.com/QGUNEWS
Website: www.QueenGodIs.com
Blog: www.AuntieQueen.com
Music: www.QueenGodIs.bandcamp.com
Youtube: www.youtube.com/queengodisuniversity